Peer Review Policy

Peer Review Policy

All article submissions to RHR are double-blind reviewed. Double-blind means that neither the author nor the reviewers know each other's identities. The editor and members of the Editorial Board review submitted or solicited book reviews. 

Peer Review Process

     Our review process is explained in a Flow Chart. Broadly speaking, there are three primary stages.

A) Desk Review: This involves a preliminary review by one of the members of the editorial board, and the review is communicated to the author in about a week.

B) Double-Blind Peer Review: This is the second stage, and the manuscript is sent for a double-blind peer review to two academics in the related field. This stage takes about 4 to 6 weeks. The reviewers can recommend acceptance, revision, or decline of the manuscript.

C) Publication: The third stage is when the editor sends the manuscript to prepare page proofs and final publication.