Judith Butler. The force of Nonviolence: An Ethico-political Bind. Verso, 2020. (224 Pages, ISBN 9781788732765)





The profundity of this masterpiece can be gauged by how it not only offers a relinquishment of the misconceptions adhering to nonviolence fostered by those who perpetrate the opposite of it, but also as to how it addresses some of the fundamentally intrinsic issues that have become part of the nonviolence discourse.

Author Biography

Uzair Salman, Department of Political Science, University of Peshawar

Uzair Salman is a graduate student enrolled in MPhil program in political science at the University of Peshawar. 

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How to Cite

Salman, U. (2020). Judith Butler. The force of Nonviolence: An Ethico-political Bind. Verso, 2020. (224 Pages, ISBN 9781788732765). Review of Human Rights, 6(1), liv-lviii. https://doi.org/10.35994/rhr.v6i1.138